The yard you always dreamt about is possible 

We have curated the best-in-class products at the most affordable prices and partner with the most trusted, competent installers.

Shop Your Turf Now

A lot of homeowners wish they could make the switch to turf,
but it feels too overwhelming or too expensive.



Switching to artificial turf is hard to figure out- there are so many steps and options. 

BUT You don’t have to do IT alone!

We’ve spent years sourcing the best turf at the lowest prices. We also keep a short list of the best installers around who know what they’re doing—in installation as well as how to treat people right. With integrity.

We can help you get the product and help you need.

Shop Your turf now

I started this business in 2008 without a CLUE what I was doing. I made every mistake in the book. Seriously. (Don’t believe me? Call my wife or my first clients)

For some nerdy reason, ever since then I’ve been keeping track of every hack, trick, and tip so you don’t have to waste time or break the bank.

It’s simple to get started!

Don’t believe us? Check out some of our work…

It’s transformed our yard!

Honestly, we could not be happier with our turf. We never used to go in our backyard- the lawn looked awful and I felt embarrassed to show anyone. Now, almost every night we eat outside, play on the putting green, and our dog spends most of her days basking in the sunshine. Over two years later, and it looks like it was installed last week.

  • Scott S., Rancho Bernardo

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The (Unofficial) End-All guide to Installing Artificial Turf Properly

We’ve put together this simple guide that any team can start using right away. Sign up now and check it out!

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