Shipping costs are not included in the listed product price. Please contact us at (800) 592-0405 to generate a custom shipping quote for you based on your location and product dimensions. Shipping will be curb side delivery by a third part service that does not provided offloading services. You will be required to have machinery or people on site to off load the turf roll from the truck.
WARANING – U.V. reflections from nearby windows broadcasting onto synthetic turf has the potential to melt synthetic turf fibers. Most synthetic turf products are manufactured using polyethylene yarns which have a melting point of ~200 degrees. Depending on many factors, reflections broadcasting off energy efficient windows or other reflective surfaces can reach temperatures higher than 200 degrees, causing the synthetic turf fibers to melt and deform. If you feel your project area has the potential to receive such reflections you should contact a professional installation contractor for guidance. Reflective burns are not covered under any manufacturers warranty and is not considered a product or manufacturing defect. Please read our limited warranty to understand what is and is not covered under your warranty.